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The seminar on the construction of marketing demonstration system of Tianlong seed industry was held in Tianjin.

On May 20, 2010, a seminar on the construction of marketing demonstration system of Tianjin Tianlong seed Technology Co., Ltd. was held in Tianjin. Bao Wanjun, chairman of Tianlong, Yang Fei, general manager, Song Shizhi, director of Xinyang Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Yang Yugang, general manager of Henan Guohao seed industry, Lu Dezhi, technical director of Henan Guohao seed industry, and middle and senior leaders of Tianlong seed industry attended the meeting.
The meeting discussed the demonstration, sales system, work plan and future development direction of seed companies. Director Song Shizhi, General Manager Yang Yugang and teacher Lu Dezhi put forward good suggestions on the operation, development and planning of the company. The convening of this meeting has integrated many practical opinions on production, sales and development, and drawn up implementation and solutions, which has effectively promoted the rapid and steady development of our company.