/ Company news/Industry news/Party Building/

Tianjin Tianlong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. held an oath to revisit the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

In order to welcome the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, at 10:00 on July 2, 2018, Tianjin Tianlong Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. organized all its party members to hold an oath to "review the oath of joining the Party and present gifts to the Party" at the party member's home.


By reviewing the oath of joining the party, the vast number of party members have not only strengthened their ideals and beliefs and firmly remembered the original intention and mission of the communists, but also made them more deeply aware of the sense of responsibility, honor, and mission of the communists. Party members have expressed that they should do a good job in their own work, give full play to the exemplary vanguard role of party members, and contribute to the realization of "Chinese Dream."

Contribution department: general management department